Frequently asked questions
How will I receive my content?
I will write the blog content in Google Docs and share the file via Google Drive or your preferred communication app: Slack, Asana, Basecamp, email, etc. (except WhatsApp)

When will I receive my blog content?
You will receive your content during work hours from Monday to Friday at a date agreed in advance. The timeline usually depends on factors like the brief, availability and responsiveness. Typically, you can expect a turnaround time of around 5 to 10 workdays for an article of 1500 words that requires in-depth topic research, subject matter expertise, and optimization.

What's your rate?
My packages range from $300 to $800 for well-structured, original, helpful and accurate blog content. Check out my available packagesWe can also build a package tailored to your content needs. If you need a regular cadence of articles, we'll discuss the scope and agree to a monthly fixed fee.

Will you write a test article?
I'll do a paid test for $150 to show my capabilities. The test involves at the most two steps in the writing process. You'll provide a topic (with context) and I'll create an outline with the user intent in mind so you or your team can see if we're a good fit. I'll also explain concisely my strategy if you need a writer with SEO chops. Copy and edit my content brief template (Google Doc) if you're short on time.

How do you manage multiple clients?
I use Asana to track multiple client projects while establishing a routine, batching tasks, and streamlining my workflow with templates and automation. I also keep an open line of communication to manage expectations.

Can you write a quick 500-word blog?
In my world, writing a blog article of any length is not a quick job. My process involves learning about you, your business and your ideal audience, studying your or your client's brand style and voice, knowing the purpose of each blog article, doing in-depth topic research, searching SEO keywords (if required), proofreading and self-editing the content, linking to reputable sources to build authority, and collaborating on revisions to ensure the content delivers exactly what you want.

What are your payment options?
Wise is my go-to but Payoneer is a good option too. PayPal is not preferred but it's an option.

Do you know the difference between American and British English?
Yes. I'm comfortable writing in both.

What's the next step?
We can hop on an introduction call (or chat via email) to discuss the scope and fixed fee. If we're a good fit, I'll send you a written agreement to review and sign. We'll discuss the written brief after I receive a signed copy of the contract. Then, I'll familiarize myself with the brand style guide and resources, and get to work.​​​​​​​
Illustration of Earth with leaves and pencil scribbling.
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