Blog content writing portfolio
This collection of work is a drop in the bucket. I have 7 years of blog content neatly categorised in Google Sheets. Let me know if you can't find relevant examples. I'll send more links.
Sustainable marketing
  An optimised blog article exploring the difference between sustainable marketing and green marketing to end the confusion. Take a look.
  An optimised blog article exploring D2C marketing in business with a successful example. Take a look.
  An informative article showing 4 B2B sustainability marketing campaigns and companies setting the standard for responsible corporate behaviour. Take a look.
  An optimised blog article showcasing 4 sustainability marketing examples that remain etched in people’s minds. Take a look.
  An optimised blog article showcasing 3 sustainable fashion marketing campaigns that are the perfect vehicles to shift any person's mindset. Take a look.
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  An optimised blog article answering in-depth what sustainability means, and includes definitions and the complexity surrounding the ambiguous term. Take a look.
  An informative article explaining the difference between scopes 1, 2, and 3 emissions, with quick definitions, examples and why companies should care. Plus, a quick peek at the 4th emerging scope. Take a look.
  An opinion piece looking at the overlap between ESG and sustainability and addressing the murkiness of sustainable business with optimism. Take a look.
  An optimised article looking at the difference between CSR and ESG, their usefulness and some noteworthy examples. Take a look.
All ghostwritten pieces are showcased in Google Docs and altered to respect my clients' request for anonymity.
  In collaboration with an inbound marketing agency, I wrote 7 optimised blog articles for a global NGO to inform and engage diverse stakeholders through the systems change journey. Take a look.
  A comprehensive analysis and profile of over 4000 words exploring the INFJ personality type. Take a look.
  Three articles on behalf of a business educator who offers entrepreneurs tips to stay healthy while running a business. Take a look.
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Healthy lifestyle
Blue light 101
  A blog article debunking the 5 common blue light myths and 3 facts to end the confusion. Take a look.
  ​​​​​​​A blog article exploring the difference between UV protection and polarized sunglasses. Take a look.
Productivity hacks
  A blog article offering entrepreneurs with kids tips to help you create a realistic work-life balance. Take a look.
  A blog article exploring 10 productivity tips to help you boost your efficiency. Take a look.
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Sleep hacks
  A blog article showcasing sleep expert and neuroscientist, Dr. Chelsie Rohrscheib’s non-negotiable rules for better sleep. Take a look.
  A blog article looking at tried-and-true sleep and productivity hacks to help you boost your health. Take a look.
Wellness book reviews
  A blog article reviewing accomplished manual therapist and movement coach Aaron Alexander's book, The Alignment MethodTake a look.
  A blog article reviewing best-selling author and fitness leader, Ben Greenfield's book, BoundlessTake a look.
  A blog article giving 5 lifestyle tips to embrace all that is good and enjoy a happy, healthy, stress-free holiday season. Take a look.
  A blog article exploring 3 ways that can help you optimize your health and business. Take a look.
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Mental health
  An editorial article published in the Spring 2018 Mental Health California Magazine on page 3 exploring medication safety tips. Take a look.
  An editorial article published in the Fall 2017 Mental Health California Magazine on page 3 exploring health and mental wellness tips and reminders. Take a look.
White text quote on a natural green background.
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